Italian Borletti and Pastini Soup

A warming nutritious tasty soup that is Tuscany in Autumn in a bowl. Made a big batch for my post labour freezer store.


3 stock cubes (1 lamb, 1 beef and 1 ham)

3 jugs of water

Can of chopped tomatoes

Bowl of frozen onions

Bowl of frozen carrots

Bowl of frozen swede

Can of Borletti beans

3 tsp of garlic

2-3 inch of parmesan crust/end/rind

2 cups of Pastini (tiny soup pasta)

Pepper and salt to taste

2 tbsn of olive oil


Combine all ingredients except beans and pasta. Bring to the boil in a large pot, then simmer for 2 hours. Ensure vegetables are soft and mash with potato masher. Add beans, pasta and check seasoning. Finito!

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